Success 101, An Innovative New Way to Bring Forth a More Positive World
The magnitude of what one person can accomplish on any given day is truly unlimited. Yet, so many stumble through their day and never get any momentum toward their goals. Even worse, there are many who have not set any goals at all. Both scenarios are deeply rooted in the fear of failure, and if we wish to delve further into this issue, we would find ourselves at the crossroads of self love and self worth.
Set Your Goals. To state the obvious, what will remain consistent on your journey is the fact that one must know where they are going in order to get there. So setting goals are a mandatory step in the process of achieving them. It has to be a clearly defined mission and when that is clear you can start figuring out the steps necessary in order to achieve that specific goal.
Chart Your Course. This sounds simple but even setting goals has to be thought through with great care. Setting daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, 3 year, 5 year and 8 year goals, is the secret to a balanced accumulation of success. A good suggestion is to write your daily, weekly and monthly goals in ink, then write the others in pencil, unless you are most certain that you will not change your mind. Then be sure to see them through as this is a covenant with yourself and the best way to build confidence.
Know Your Virtues. Once your goals are set, there are certain virtues that will be very helpful along the way. Do not confuse this list with a complete list of the tools that you will need to succeed on your path. Achieving short term goals, like going to the grocery store or filing one’s taxes, are a matter of willpower; long term goals may take a bit more of a commitment.
Reality Check. When achieving a long term goal, it helps to take a realistic look at what it takes to achieve it. Contrary to popular belief, there will be many actions necessary. There is no point to success without the wealth of experience that is required to achieve it.
Be Passionate. Passion is the fuel needed to accomplish any long term goal. Nothing can stand the test of time without it because you will not be able to sustain the drive to succeed in its absence. If you have ever started something only to leave it incomplete, lack of passion would be the disease that caused the symptom.
Have Faith. To triumph over all obstacles, you are going to need to stand tall at all times. One cannot fake this, so absolute and undoubted faith must become a staple in your personal make up. You need to know as a fact that you’re going to succeed. Don’t hope, as hope seems to sit and worry, be sure! Faith has confidence, and thus steadily climbs to its goal.
Discipline is Key. Unfortunately, not enough can be said for discipline. Nothing is ever mastered without perfecting its motion through repetition and rhythm. Even things as natural as walking and eating took some practice to perfect. Some feel this is most prevalent in meditation, and those who practice daily will attest to that.
Lose the Judgment. On your road to success, you will not be able to bring judgment with you. Do not judge your goals or allow anyone to crush your dreams with opinion. You can ensure this virtue by doing things in the right heart.
We must encourage each other with our words and actions. When we all pledge to live out our dreams and promise to promote inner strength in ourselves and in others, surely we would wake up to an infinitely more peaceful and productive world.
Joseph Anthony (Trainer Joe) Amoroso is a holistic master trainer, self-help author and expert on the human body’s reaction to exercise. Trainer Joe’s is located 101 Mount Bethel Road in Warren. 908-339-7466.