Is Your Dog a Pain in the Neck? or Just In Pain?
Osteo-arthritis, or degenerative joint disease (DJD) is the breakdown of the smooth cartilage in the joint that results in bare bone rubbing against bare bone. This results in DJD: lost cartilage, remodeling of bone surface, and subsequent stiffness, inflammation and pain. Common areas of arthritis in the dog are hips, knees, back, elbows and wrists. How can you tell if your dog is suffering from DJD? She may exhibit one or more of the following:
- Decreased physical activity
- Stiffness after sleeping or prolonged laying down, difficulty rising
- Lameness/uneven gait, or favoring a certain joint, with limping or hobbling
- Lagging behind on walks, reluctance to walk, run or play
- Difficulty going up or down stairs, reluctance with jumping into car or onto a couch
- Difficulty in urinating or defecating, possibly with ‘accidents’ in the house
- Sudden whimpers or barks during play or exercise
- Weight control - keep him lean!
- Daily anti-inflammatory supplements & pain management
- Movement - Provide daily, low-impact, low-to-moderate intensity walks
- Treatments with joint lubricating injections of Adequan
- Soft, warm bedding
- Treatments with deep-warming, cell-stimulating therapy laser
The therapy laser is non-invasive and requires no prior preparation or sedation. It can also be for many other applications: skin and ear infections, itchy skin irritated by allergies, post-operative pain relief, and to accelerate healing.
Contact Bernardsville Animal Hospital to explore the applicability of laser therapy for your pet, and an initial complimentary demonstration. 41 Morristown Rd. Bernardsville. 908-766-0041.