Managing Life Transitions Through Better Time Management

Take Time to Manage Time
Change, uncertainty, confusion can make each of us feel that we never have enough time, which in turn makes us feel even more unstable. Organizing your day, week, month, even year, in advance provides a sense of direction and stability, which helps reduce the stress factors that can lead to depression, weight gain, and the feeling of life spinning out of control.
Plan on Paper
When it comes to one’s time and mental clutter, having a paper planner with the months of the year is key. Using an electronic calendar is great, but when looking at the big picture, it is essential to be able to look at a full month on one or two pages.
Write it Down
It is important to write in all recurring events, all time commitments as they come up, and to schedule time for yourself. For example: fitness, time with friends, organizing, meditation, meal planning for healthy options, and whatever else is important to you.
Make “To Do” Lists
It is important to keep short-term and long-term “to do” lists. Separating each list by category adds a useful structure to the process. Some of the broad categories you might include are: Family Tasks, School Related Tasks, Health Tasks, House Tasks, Social Planning, Shopping / Things to Purchase, Holiday Preparation, Work / Career Tasks, Volunteer Activities and whatever else is relevant and important.
Again…Write it Down
Keeping the lists updated is very important. Rather then having many scraps of paper with to do tasks throughout the house, it is much better to have to do tasks centralized on these two lists. The daily to do list should be reviewed each morning and then again before bed, to strategize what the current day and next day goals are.
Bring in a Professional
If you find organizing your home, work life and your time to be difficult or stressful, a professional organizer can provide sympathetic and nonjudgmental organizing, de-cluttering and time management services for residential and business clients. In addition, some professionals also provide support for projects for the home, workplace or for volunteer activities.
An orderly life feels calmer and more secure. The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll feel the difference. Start planning today for a happy, healthy life.
Sherry Onweller, owner of Everyday Organizing Solutions by Sherry, helps clients with every organizational challenge. Specialties include helping female adults with ADD get their physical space/time management in order, and helping children and teens get organized. Newly added services include personal coaching. For more information, contact Sherry at [email protected] or 908-619-4561. See CRG on page 54.