The Holistic Chamber of Commerce: Where Holistic Minds Gather
Imagine an organization that nurtures you and your holistic business. One that understands the unique challenges that holistic businesses face. Well, it’s already here. Let me introduce you to The Holistic Chamber of Commerce of Millburn (HCC). Together, with Natural Awakenings magazine, the chamber has been doing some amazing things and it will only get better.
For example, in November, HCC and Natural Awakenings hosted a Gathering of the Holistic Minds Event. More than 35 holistic practitioners and business owners from all corners of the holistic world gathered at the Holistic Dental Center, in Millburn, to share great organic food, knowledge and camaraderie. Featured topics included “how we can grow together, build together and create referral networks,” “the art of answering phones and the effects they have on us as well as our clients and potential clients,” and “protecting my image on the web, and updating my (in need of) tired web pages.” Most of all, we explored how to work together, how to develop a network of like-minded individuals that we know and trust. Everyone left energized and looking for more.
At the time of this writing, I’d just returned from our December 18 meeting. It was well attended and served as a grand opening of Lewis Healing Institute, a new wellness center founded by Dr. Lisa Lewis, N.D., in West Orange. The holiday cheer was flowing as we handled a bit of member business, engaged in relationship building and built a great atmosphere while exploring ideas for our next great event. Our attendees included nutritionists, holistic dentists, life coaches, a water expert, a web designer that specializes in holistic designs, wellness centers, chiropractors and others. We celebrated what the chamber can achieve if we all come together, take our energy and drive and make things happen.
More is coming. Our December meeting focused on our vision for 2019 and our plans for another Gathering of the Holistic Minds in March (open to all). We are also in the planning stages of preparing a Holistic Expo in the spring. Each month our meeting includes informed presentations. For example, in January, an HCC member that develops websites for holistic businesses will give a presentation on improving your website.
Our membership is growing, and everyone is on board to make this a great chapter to be a part of. As a chamber member there are many perks such as discounted prices on services, promotions, videos and much more.
Each of our members is committed to helping people learn how a holistic lifestyle and services can benefit them in mind, body and spirit. Our goal is to help them do that—from relationships to referrals, from education to joint ventures, the HCC provides cutting-edge tools for our holistic businesses. Everyone has challenges, and we believe the challenges are better tackled together as a group. Come join us for a meeting and see how we can help you grow!
Our plans for a great 2019 are already in the works. The chamber meets on the third Tuesday of each month at various member locations. We hope to see you at our next meeting, from 6 to 8 p.m., January 15, at the Holistic Dental Center, 91 Millburn Ave., in Millburn.
For more information, contact Fran at 973-379-9080 or [email protected].