Reiki 1 Comprehensive Healing Training
Learn Self-Healing and Helping Others and Animals. 2 Day Class with Reiki 1 Certificate.

Learn this hands-on-healing art for Healers and Everyone. This is the beginning of a beautiful journey. Learn and be confident in your ability in energy healing, spiritual awakening-growth, working with soul and guidance, working with clearing, and protecting yourself from taking on energy from others or the environment.
This comprehensive and complete professional-level course offers practical healing and energy work teachings in addition to Reiki attunements, meditations, and practice. Everyone receives a healing session: Usui Reiki 1 Certificate, Reiki 1 book, and class recordings.
Reiki empowers your healing abilities. Reiki is used to speed up healing, relieve pain, aid sleep, reduce stress, improve circulation, aid digestion, increase energy and stamina, balance the body, clear negativity, heighten psychic abilities, aids connection to your higher power, and much more! Healing can occur on all levels- physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.
Janet StraightArrow, Reiki Master, Medical Intuitive, and Shaman, has taught Reiki for 25 years. Recording of class and Reiki 1 book added to the class. CE Credits available See more about Reiki, our Reiki Training, Testimonials, and Janet on
"I have found Janet to be a wonderful teacher; she is inspiring, talented, and sincere. I have benefited greatly from her teaching and healing. She has made me realize the power of my abilities to heal."
Saturday is 10-5 pm in person or on Zoom. The Second-day date is decided according to everyone's schedule.
Date & Time
June 3, 2023
10:00AM - 5:00PM
Be The Medicine (Online In-Person-Sessions-Classes-Retreats) - 247 North Road, Chester, NJ, 07930
More Info
Health & Wellness Reiki 1 Certificate reiki training Reiki Healing Self Healing Healing others Healing Animals
Participating Businesses
Be The Medicine (Online In-Person-Sessions-Classes-Retreats)