Free Father's Day Holistic Giveaway

Prefect For Your Favorite Dad! Winner Receives:
An Assortment of Bio Pocket Wipes. All Natural Sunscreen and Bug Spray AND A Silver Membership to the Brand New KnowWeWell Holistic Online Community from Natural Awakenings.
30 Minute Video Consultation with Dr. Peter Amato Integrative Medicine Doctor with Inner Harmony Wellness Center.
And The One Of A Kind Orange Theory Beat Burn Workout Heart Monitor!
Total Value Over $300!

$108 Value
An Assortment of Bio Pocket Wipes
These products are the best! They are called Bio Pocket. The best sun screen, bug protector, hand sanitizer, is the one you have with you. These Natural business card size products are so convenient, versatile and effective. Each one sells for $9.00 this gift consists of two of each. The other products are a natural sleep aid, an energy boost, and a deodorizer.

$109 Value
OT Beat Burn Heart Monitor
Orange Theory Beat Burn Heart Monitor! This isn’t just a heart monitor. It does more than that. It tells you when to push yourself. It tells you when to rest. And when your workout is working. This a life-changing monitor. Connect your heart to your work out and start your journey to more

$82 Value
Silver Membership to the Brand New KnowWeWell Holistic Online Community
KnoWEwell is an online community and marketplace platform for the global "wholistic" health and well-being ecosystem that is launching a private, secure, “safe space”—constituting one, centralized, online trusted destination.

$100 Value
30 Minute Video Consultation Dr. Peter Amato Ph.D, DNM
30 Minute Video Consultation Dr. Peter Amato Integrative Medicine Doctor with Inner Harmony Wellness Center.