Qi Gong is an umbrella term which covers moving and still meditations. The easy-to-learn Swimming Dragon form contains both quiet and moving meditation. The graceful nature-based movements gently stimulate the two major meridians of the torso, Ren and Du, as the body slowly sways side-to-side, forward and back, balancing spine, central nervous system and endocrine functions. Stillness aspects encourage maximum peace and self-healing. Swimming Dragon can be learned in four one-hour classes, enabling students to do it at home. No floor work or special attire.
Swimming Dragon classes are offered year-round at the Qi Gong for Healing Center. A new series begins every month. $50 for all four classes, $15 for drop-in.
Location: 67 Mountain Blvd., Warren. For information, call instructor Patty Pagano at 908-392-1313. 908-647-1563. QiGongforHealing.com.