Oct 31, 2020 03:58PM ● By Isabella DussiasWhile teens are frustrated with the fact that this virus is taking its time to dissipate, we want to remain thankful for what we have. Over the past nine months, many adjustments have been made to our way of life—a new look for school and sports, cancelled milestone events and an adjustment to our new “virtual world”. We’ve had to learn to be flexible in this fluid environment. It is easy to become frustrated, yet we have found a new appreciation for things we may have taken for granted before: an appreciation of health, certain conveniences and scheduled activities.
While sometimes we can get caught up in what is annoying or inconvenient, we cannot be upset with the fact that some things take longer to accomplish now because of precautions.
When I recently polled my peers about what they are thankful for. The answers they shared are similar to the ones expressed before the pandemic. Teens are grateful for their health, their families, their friends and their schools. Teens are generally hopeful, and still thankful beyond the frustrations. We just want to learn and laugh with our friends, spend time with our families and do so safely as we look to our future.
Here’s to a happy and healthy Thanksgiving!
Isabella Dussias is a 17-year-old singer-songwriter/composer from New Jersey. She enjoys writing about issues that are important to today’s youth, and she believes music is an important outlet to connect people and share message through the creativity of lyric and melody. For more information, please visit