Transform Lives As a Licensed Heal Your Life® Workshop Leader
Mar 01, 2025 03:50PM ● By Jerome Bilaos
Are you longing for a career with meaning and purpose? You can now train as a Heal Your Life® workshop leader in Louise Hay’s life-changing philosophy. Hay’s main book, You Can Heal Your Life, has sold over 55 million copies worldwide, changing many lives. This training offers more in-depth experience with Hay’s techniques as attendees take their own growth to the next level with inner child work, emotional release, awareness exercises and deepening intuition with meditation and visualization.
Course materials include complete manuals for leading up to 15 different workshops, plus music, handouts and marketing guidelines. There is extensive follow-up after the training through Zoom meetings, email and private Facebook groups. The next training takes place June 14 to 20, in Orlando. Pre-registration is required.
Course leader, Patricia Crane, Ph.D., was privileged to train personally with Hay during her lifetime, receiving Hay’s approval to lead the trainings, along with Crane’s husband Rick Nichols. Their company, Heart Inspired Presentations, LLC, is licensed by Hay House, Inc. Attendees completing the training receive a certificate and are licensed through Heart Inspired Presentations by Hay House.
For more information, call 760-539-2227 or go to See directory listing, page 32.