Soulvivor Healing Center Opens in Flemington
They believe all diseases, both mental and physical, have an energy based cause. Pain that is buried and ignored continues to reside in the physical body, causing problems that can manifest into ill health, financial blocks and problematic behavioral patterns.
While they serve clients from many different backgrounds, all share the desire to move forward in a positive direction, to reconnect to their inner selves and to experience more peace and happiness.
Frank Mancini, a renowned shamanic healer, utilizes Reiki and mediumship for advanced healing. He leads journeys and deep soul interventions. Sheryl Warzybuk employs intuitive direction with higher conscious energy and Green Light healing to unblock chakras and promote health and wellbeing.
They offer various services and events, including guided meditations, Tibetan Monk vibration, Soul Retrieval and new moon empowerment ceremonies.
Location: 84 Park Ave., Flemington. For more information, call 908-268-5073, email [email protected] or visit