Allergies Making You Miserable?
Spill over symptoms that include fatigue, drowsiness, and depression are not uncommon and can make it very difficult to carry out daily tasks and function.
Fortunately for allergy sufferers, a new alternative to traditional medical allergy testing and treatment is available. Advanced Allergy Therapeutics (AAT) was developed in Australia over a ten year period and provides fast, long term relief from all allergy related conditions without the use of needles, shots or drugs. The AAT testing and treatment protocols are safe and effective for people of all ages including infants and produces zero unwanted side effects.
AAT is the ideal choice for those who are not responding positively to traditional medical treatments or for the individual who would prefer not to take drugs, use steroidal inhalers and sprays or go through years of allergy shots. Children especially appreciate the non-invasive approach over other testing methods that involve piercing the skin.
Location: Allergy Breakthrough Center, 49 Main Street, Suite 8 in Clinton. For information, call Dr. Christine Garvey at 908-335-5673 or [email protected]. See ad on page 33.