The Wonders of Life
How does a 12-year-old write a symphony? How does the earth really work? What is the connection between millions of light years and today? How does a magnetic force that connects the moon and earth come about? It all feels like perfect order.
Then, the world shifts, and natural disasters come calling. The earth’s surface erupts. A blizzard or hurricane causes wide spread damage. Ice caps melt too rapidly. Mass flooding wipes out whole towns. Even the leaning tower of Pisa has leaned too far. Yet it all seems to be part of the world rebalancing. As life and time ticks along, change happens. I am reminded of this saying: The more things change, the more they seem to stay the same. But do they? In a larger sense, I think they do. The beat changes but the rhythm of life, of the universe, of the unknown carries on. At least, so far it has, and I hope it always will.
What an unbelievable world we live in. When I pay attention, I am humbled. When my ego strays too far I need only to look around—to the sky, the oceans, the moon—to come back to the right size. Somehow, we are all tied in to this massive scope of time. I know I will never understand it all, but I am reminded how important it is to do the right thing. I hope over the next 5 or 6 billion years, we are living in Martin Luther King’s dream and John Lennon’s “Imagine” lyrics as a way of life.
In peace, love and laughter,
Joe Dunne, Publisher